Days & Times:
Wednesday 6.30pm - 7.30pm
Saturday 2.30pm - 3.30pm
JKA Karate
for all ages from 6 - 65!
Term Dates:
Term 1, 2025: 29th January - 5th April
Term 2: 23rd April - 5th July
6 - 65 years old
2025 fees:
Training - $150.00 (10 weeks @ $15.00 per week)
JKA Membership fee: $70.00 per financial year, due in February each year
Single - pay for one person
Family - pay for two immediate family members only. Any additional IMMEDIATE family members can then attend for free (ie. parent and children, or siblings from one family).
All Term 2 bookings Open 24th March.​
The Japan Karate Association (JKA)
The Japan Karate Association (JKA) are pleased to be bringing this authentic Japanese
martial art to the Aspendale Gardens Community Service.
Everybody aged between 6-65 is welcome to start training, whether you have no experience or decades of experience in Karate or any martial art.
A globally accredited instructor, who is local to the area with over 40 years of martial
arts experience, will conduct these sessions in the same way that JKA Karate is taught as a school
subject in schools and universities across Japan. The emphasis on teaching and training differs with
age and experience of the student, but we focus on training together in a supportive and non aggressive environment. Improvements in fitness, confidence and concentration, whilst meeting new friends are the first benefits you will notice once you commence training.
A Commitment to ‘True Karate’
The JKA prides itself on teaching ‘true Karate’, unlike others who may teach you how to ‘fight’. True Karate is handed down by instructor to instructor in the spirit of learning. True Karate represents a way of life that trains us to be peaceful. But if conflict is unavoidable, true karate equips us to recognise the time and place for controlling an opponent. Such action requires focus, control and the benefit of years of dojo experience. True Karate is based on ‘Bushido’ (way of the Samurai), where the body, mind and spirit are developed simultaneously to learn self control.
Our Values
JKA Karate begins and ends with respect. We take pride in the conduct of our students and recognise that a JKA dojo can have a positive influence on children and young adults. Therefore, we take care to maintain a courteous and respectful environment at all times, both in our conduct inside and outside the dojo.
There is a code of conduct for JKA Karateka called the Dojo Kun. It is simple in nature and is expected to be followed in training and in everyday life. There are five points to the Dojo Kun, which are:
1. Seek Perfection of Character
2. Be Faithful
3. Endeavour
4. Respect Others
5. Refrain from Violent Behaviour
Karateka are expected to learn the Dojo Kun through their training.
For more information visit: https://www.facebook.com/jka.aspendale.gardens